Ubiquitous Services and Technologies for Healthcare, Wellbeing and Public Safety in China and Finland
Iiro Jantunen, Mika Husso, Prof. Jyri Hämäläinen, Timo Korhonen, Edward Mutafungwa, Xirui Wang, Zhong Zheng.
Lecture hall S4 (morning session), Internet Café (afternoon session). TKK Faculty of Electronics, Communications and Automation, Otakaari 5, Espoo.
- Timo Itälä, senior researcher, SoberIT / TKK
- Eija Kaasinen, research coordinator, VTT Technical Research Center of Finland
- Vesa Pakarinen, senior research scientist, VTT Technical Research Center of Finland
- Päivi Topo, academy research fellow, THL National Institute for Health and Welfare
- Yuping Zhao, professor, PKU Peking University
Morning session 9:00 - 12:30 at S4
9:00 Reception, coffee
9:30 Welcome words and UBI-SERV project presented (slides), Timo Korhonen
9:55 PKU and UBI-SERV (slides), Yuping Zhao
10:20 Agile Citizen-centric Health (slides), Timo Itälä
10:45 Coffee break
11:00 Aging population, care services and needs for ambient technology (slides), Päivi Topo
11:25 Pervasive health care technologies, Continua Health Alliance, HL7 (slides), Vesa Pakarinen
11:50 MIMOSA-MINAmI, human-centered design, ethics (slides), Eija Kaasinen
Lunch 12:15 - 13:15
Afternoon session 13:15 - 16:30 at Internet Café
13:15 Briefing for the group sessions, Iiro Jantunen
13:30 Group sessions
14:30 Coffee break
14:45 Wrap-up of the group work, Group chairmen
15:00 Panel discussion, chair: Jyri Hämäläinen
Panelists: Eija Kaasinen, Timo Korhonen, Vesa Pakarinen, Yuping Zhao
16:00 Workshop conclusions
16:30 Workshop ends
Preferably contact iiro.jantunen@tkk.fi latest at 12:00 AM 18th May 2009 so that your presence can be taken into account in servings and group work planning.