Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Aalto University Workshop on Wireless Sensor Systems (WoWSS) 2010

UBI-SERV is taking part in WoWSS 2010 workshop at Aalto University, November 19, 2010, with a presentation "Architecture Development for Mobile-phone-centric Ambient Intelligence Applications".

Friday, November 12, 2010

"Ultrasound is the new stethoscope"!

.....That is a great quote from Dr Nahum Kovalski, CIO of TEREM Emergency Medical Services and CEO of E-DoctorWorld in the clip filmed at the Mobile World Congress 2010. The advances in mobile broadband communications means that real time streaming of ultrasound images from a remote area is opening up a whole range of possibilities for emergency telemedicine and delivery of care on rural under-served areas.

Doctors, Ultrasound and mobile. from Jonathan Marks on Vimeo.

Of course we at the UBI-SERV project have always been excited by this challenge and it has been one of the central research themes in our project. The slides below summarize some of our proposals on the subject which has also been presented in various health and technology conferences.

Joint Comnet/Aalto – CSE/Oulu – ARLES/INRIA Research Workshop

Date: 03-04/11/2010

Place: Meeting Room D302

Faculty of Electronics, Communications and Automation (ETA), Aalto University School of Science and Technology, Otakaari 5, Espoo, Finland

10:00 – 10:30 Introduction to the Radio Communications Research Group and ongoing research activities
Prof. Jyri Hämäläinen, Comnet/Aalto University

10:30 – 11:15 Presentation about ARLES Research Group and EU FP7 CONNECT project, Prof. Valérie Issarny, ARLES/INRIA

11:15 – 11:20 Break

11:20 – 12:05 iSpaces presentation and ongoing research
Prof. Jukka Riekki, CSE/Oulu University

12:05 – 13:40 Lunch

13:40 – 14:10 Integrating heterogeneous coordination models in SOA
Nikolaos Georgantas, ARLES/INRIA

14:10 – 14:40 Research overview and some results from MOTIVE UBI-SERV and Celtic HOMESNET projects
Edward Mutafungwa, Comnet/Aalto University

14:40 – 14:55 Break

14:55 – 15:40 Middleware Support for Mobile Social Ecosystems
Animesh Pathak, ARLES/INRIA

15:40 – 16:10 Overview and some results from Pervasive Service Computing (PSC) project
Oleg Davidyuk, CSE/Oulu University

Monday, October 11, 2010

Visiting researchers Fall 2010

A professor visit and two researcher visits take place within UBI-SERV project during Fall 2010.

Prof. Jiao Bingli of PKU is visiting Aalto University Department of Communications and Networking (Comnet) during October 2010. In addition to Aalto-PKU research cooperation on wireless ECG systems, he will lecture the course Selected Topics in Mobile Communication: Case Wireless EGC.

Mika Husso of Aalto/Comnet is working as a visiting researcher at the Department of Signal and Communications Theory at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (Barcelona, Spain) for a period of September 1, 2010 - February 28, 2011. His research during the visit focuses on femtocellular communications and techno-economic analysis. Moreover, the visit aims at initiating closer collaboration in the field of wireless communications between the two universities.

Iiro Jantunen of Aalto/Comnet is working as a visiting researcher at School of Computing at the University of Eastern Finland (Kuopio, Finland) for the period of September 7 to December 31, 2010. He concentrates on opening a cooperation with the Computational Intelligence research group and finalizing his doctoral thesis.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Research Methods for Social Media Seminar

Research Methods for Social Media -seminar organized by the VISCI research project together with the SOMUS research group took place on the 31st of August in the Aalto University campus in Otaniemi, Espoo. The seminar consisted of three keynote speeches, a discussion session and five parallel afternoon workshops.


Lisbeth Klastrup, an associate professor at the IT University of Copenhagen: ”Users are Useless – Some Reflections by a Social Media Researcher”

Lisbeth Klastrup hightlighted the need to acknowledge the scope of online audiences and avoid the bias towards active users in social media research. The non-interactive, more passive users seem to form the majority of online audiences but social media research doesn't yet really address this user group. There is also a need for a more nuanced vocabulary of user behaviours. ”Following” in social media is as important user activity as contributing is and one needs to note that not all user activity is public (e.g. exchanging private messages in Facebook's Inbox). In addition, social media can not be studied in isolation of its context and without considering the synergy it has with traditional media.

Jaakko Suominen, a professor of digital culture at the University of Turku: ”How do you do, Social Media? On triangulation matrixes and everyday research practices”

Jaakko Suominen brought up the need for triangulation of several different research methods in order to grasp the new research area since no special research methods yet exist for social media. He also presented three different roles of social media for research: 1) social media as the subject of the study 2) social media as a resource for data and material for the study3) social media as a tool for the researchers.

Minna Isomursu, a research professor at VTT: ”Social Media in User Research: Immersion, Privacy and Contribution”

Minna Isomursu presented example cases on how she has used social media in her research and her presentation brought up discussion especially on the ethics of social media research which seems to be lacking guidelines. Her research that included the study subjects rating their Facebook friends' status updates raised the question of informed consent: study participants had given their consent for the research but not their Facebook friends whose status updates were evaluated. Another interesting question was about the changing role of the study subjects when they become co-creaters and co-researchers: should their input be acknowledged for example in publications?

Visit the VISCI research blog for the presentation slides and online discussion logs as well as the descriptions and results of the workshops.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Well-being in Information Society (WIS 2010)

UBI-SERV participates in Well-being in Information Society (WIS 2010) - Navigating the Fragmented Innovation Landscape conference, 18-19.8.2010 in Turku, Finland, with a presentation User-centric Design of Ubiquitous Welfare Services and Technologies for China and Finland.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

UBI-HEALTH'10 scientific program published

The scientific program of UBI-HEALTH'10 has been published. The full program including conference venues and schedule can be found from the conference homepage.

Session 1A: Designing New eHealth Services

Chairing prof. Qin Gao, Tsinghua University. Tuesday June 1, 2010, 10:45–11:45.

Activity-Driven Information Analysis – Designing Personal Ubiquitous Health and Wellbeing Systems
M. Toivanen, J. Mykkänen, M. Korpela

Co-Ordination Support Through Transparency (COSTT): Real-Time Use of Sensor Data to Improve Workflow in the Perioperative Domain
A. Faxvaag, A. Seim, P. Toussaint

Developing Mobile ICT for Improved Health; Safety and Well-Being Together with Elderly People - Experiences From the Myhealth@age (2008-2010) Project
A. Melander-Wikman, B. Bergvall-Kåreborn, T. Ghaye, L. Lundin-Olsson

Development of User-Centred E-Health for Persons with Severe Mental Disorders
M. Välimäki, H. Hätönen, L. Kuosmanen, M. Koivunen, M. Anttila, A. Pitkänen

Session 1B: Health Sensors and Networks

Chairing Dr. Vesa Pakarinen, VTT. Tuesday June 1, 2010, 14:45–15:45.

Add-on 5 kHz Inductive Link for Mobile Phones Using Audio Port
I. Jantunen, S. Siikavirta, V. Nässi, T. Korhonen, J. Kaasinen

Design and Implementation of ECG detection method based on HHT
D. Ye, C. Qiao, B. L. Jiao, Y. P. Zhao

Development of a 12-Lead Electrocardiogram Interpretation System Via Zigbee
C. C. Kuo, H. Y. Liao

Cooperative Data Dissemination for Telecare Systems Via Wireless Pervasive Networking
X. H. Peng

Session 2A: Emergency Telemedicine and Pervasive Services

Chairing prof. Yuping Zhao, PKU. Wednesday June 2, 2010, 10:45–11:45.

UBIeCall: Automated Emergency Calling for Medical Emergencies Using Standard Ecall Solutions
E. Mutafungwa, T. Korhonen

Automatic Emergency Telemedicine System in Mobile Communication Network
S. Zhou, Y. P. Zhao, B. L. Jiao

Concept of a Communication Middleware for Ambient Assisted Living Environments
K. Renhak, M. Federspiel, J. Seitz, H.-P. Schade

State of the Art on Pervasive Service Computing
J. H. Zhou, J. Riekki, M. Ylianttila, J. Y. Zhou, F. L. Tang, M. Y. Guo

Session 2B: Healthcare Management

Chairing mr. Timo Itälä, Aalto SoberIT. Wednesday June 2, 2010, 14:45–15:45.

A Regional Model for Healthcare Information Sharing in China
J. C. Jiang, M. Korpela, J. Mykkänen

Studying the Applicability of Methods – Activity Driven Needs Analysis Applied to Maternity Pathway in Pudong; Shanghai
I. Luukkonen, M. Korpela, A. Mursu

Applying Dual Model for Achieving Better E-Health in China
Y. Han, T. Itälä, M. Hämäläinen

The Telehealth Models and Current Legal Issues in Taiwan
J.-Y. Chen

UBI Summit 2010

UBI-SERV participated in UBI Summit 2010, a side event to Pervasive 2010, in Helsinki, 17 May 2010.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Workshop on ICT Environment, Safety and Security in Baltic Sea

I attended the Workshop on "Information and Communication Technology Services for Environment, Safety and Security in the Baltic Sea" at Holiday Inn Helsinki on 12th April 2010. The Workshop was organized by TEKES, BONUS EEIG and ESA.

There were very interesting presentations on safety and security in a Maritime environment. It is notable that most solutions developed land based smart and intelligent environments are equally applicable for maritime environments.

In got to attend one of the afternoon parallel workshop sessions and proposed some potential research topics for safety networking on passenger ferries. A passenger ferry tends a home for the passengers for a few days or weeks depending on destination(s). There is plenty do in this area to bring them services and applications they are usually accustomed to whilst on dry land!

We are awaiting for concluding slides from TEKES based on input at this event.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Design control in practice

Took part in a seminar, Tuotekehitysprojektin hallittu läpivienti - design control käytännössä at Turku University of Applied Sciences. The seminar covered the practicalities of product development projects in medical technology, e.g., regulatory needs of documentation, verification, validation, IPR, customer needs, and business planning.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Spring 2010 teaching activity

UBI-SERV project is active Spring 2010 teaching at Aalto University School of Science and Technology on the following courses:

Monday, January 18, 2010

MOTIVE Workshop on Ubiquitous Health and Public Safety Services

A joint Academy of Finland MOTIVE program workshop organized by
  • UBI-SERV (User-centric Design of Ubiquitous Welfare and Safety Services and Supporting Technologies for China and Finland) and
  • THEWS (Trusted eHealth and eWelfare Information Space)
projects, and joined by PSC (Pervasive Service Computing).


Iiro Jantunen, Timo Korhonen, Pekka Ruotsalainen


3rd February 2010


TUAS Building, Aalto University, School of Science and Technology, Espoo, Finland.


8:30 Reception, coffee

9:00 Morning session I - presentations

10:30 Coffee break

11:00 Morning session II - presentations continue

12:30 Lunch

13:30 Afternoon session I - group work

14:45 Coffee break

15:15 Afternoon session II - group work continues

16:30 Wrap-up of the workshop

17:00 Workshop ends


Preferably contact iiro.jantunen@tkk.fi by 29th January 2010 so that your presence can be taken into account in servings and group work planning.